How to fix Azure DevOps library group permission errors

Are you trying to edit a variable group in an Azure DevOps Library, and getting the error “you do not have permission to create a variable group within library”? Continue on to find out how to rectify this issue. The problem DevOps project settings - these don’t apply to variable groups Variable groups within Azure DevOps can have different permissions to your project settings. This can be useful to limit the number of people who can view and edit your config values, but can be confusing....

March 11, 2020 · 2 min

Using key vault values from variable groups in Azure DevOps pipeline tasks

Earlier this week we had a post about how you can easily access secrets stored within Azure Key Vault in an Azure DevOps pipeline task, using the Key Vault Task. One other way you can achieve this same functionality is by using a variable group, and in this post we’re going to show you how. Why would you use a variable group instead of the key vault task? If you know you require access to the secrets from across multiple stages within a pipeline using a group allows you to easily manage access without having to include the task in every single stage by scoping the group to the release or specific stages....

March 21, 2019 · 2 min

How to use variable groups in Azure DevOps

In a previous post looking at how to use Azure Key Vault to store secrets for a DevOps pipeline, we touched on variable groups and how they can be used. In this post, we’re going to dive a bit deeper into what a variable group is, how you can create one and how you can link variable groups into your build pipeline. Want to secure your Azure DevOps application secrets in Key Vault?...

March 12, 2019 · 4 min