Microsoft Teams Premium now available

Microsoft this week announced that the new Microsoft Teams Premium license is now generally available for customers around the world. Teams Premium adds a number of features focused primarily around making Teams more personalised and intelligent. That includes: Intelligent recap - an AI driven feature that automatically creates meeting notes, recommendations, tasks and highlights from meetings AI generated chapters - so you can easily skip to the part of the meeting you’re interested in...

February 4, 2023 · 2 min

How to create a team in Microsoft Teams

In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can quickly create a team in Microsoft Teams. What is a team? A team in Microsoft Teams is the top-level container for channels within the “Teams” tab. As the name suggests, it typically represents a bunch of people working together towards a common goal such as a project or shared interest. Channels are contained within a team, and allow for specific topics of conversation & collaboration....

September 29, 2022 · 3 min

Connect Twitter to Microsoft Teams

Looking for an easy way to integrate Twitter with Microsoft Teams? In this article, we’ll look at some options now that Microsoft has removed the Twitter connector. Power Automate (Free tier, 1st party) If you’re looking for a way to integrate Twitter without paying for a third-party tool and you’ve already got a Power Automate license, then this is your best bet. By using Power Automate, you can do things like:...

November 26, 2021 · 2 min

Best Microsoft Teams vacation calendar

Are you looking for an easy way to share your teams vacation calendar on Microsoft Teams? We’ve rounded up the best ways to do this for you. Microsoft Shifts (free) If you’re using a licensed version of Microsoft Teams (and not the free personal edition) then you’ll have access to Microsoft’s rostering app called Shifts. If you can’t see it in your ‘Apps’, check with your Office 365 administrator to ensure the app has been enabled in the Teams admin portal....

November 17, 2021 · 2 min