Microsoft Azure AD to become Microsoft Entra ID

Microsoft has this week revealed that by the end of 2023, Azure AD will be known as Entra ID, joining the other identity products already in the Entra suite. In a post on the Microsoft blog, Joy Chik, President, Identity & Network Access said that Entra ID will join Entra Permissions Management, Entra Verified ID, Entra ID Governance and Entra Workload ID. “To simplify our product naming and unify our product family, we’re changing the name of Azure AD to Microsoft Entra ID,” Chik wrote....

July 14, 2023 · 2 min

How to migrate from ARM templates to Bicep

Looking to move from writing your Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates in JSON to Bicep? The good news is Microsoft have provided some tooling to make it relatively straightforward too migrate. 1. Run the Bicep command line interface (CLI) decompile command Before getting started with Bicep, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve got the right tools installed. That includes Visual Studio Code (free), the Bicep extension and the Bicep CLI....

February 6, 2023 · 2 min

Getting started with Azure Policies

Once you start adopting a cloud service such as Microsoft Azure, one of the first tasks should be looking at how to enforce organisational and best-practice policies at scale when resources are being created. Fortunately Microsoft makes enforcing policies relatively straightforward via a service called Azure Policy. It combines a number of best practice, out-of-the-box policies with the ability for you to also create your own custom policy definitions. You can setup guardrails and enforce compliance easily....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min

Guide to Azure DevOps certification

Are you looking to become certified in Azure DevOps? If so, read on to find out more about what official Microsoft certifications are available. The pathway to Azure DevOps certification The first certification you’ll want to get is for Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900). This covers the basics about Azure, including generic cloud concepts as well as more targeted Azure information such as pricing and a high-level overview of available services. Note that the content for Fundamentals changed on October 25, 2021 so you might want to check the skills measured list to ensure you’re still studying the right materials....

November 10, 2021 · 2 min

How to fix Azure MissingSubscriptionRegistration error

Are you trying to deploy an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template and getting the error MissingSubscriptionRegistration? In this article we’ll take a look at what the cause of the error is, and how you can easily rectify the problem. Sometimes when trying to run an ARM template in a new subscription to create Azure resources, customers come across the following error: MissingSubscriptionRegistration: The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft....

July 7, 2021 · 2 min

How to create an Azure app service with a database

Need to deploy your app to an Azure app service, and rely on a database such as Postgres or Azure SQL? Microsoft is now previewing a new blade in the Azure portal that lets you quickly spin up an Azure app service with an associated database. Supported database engines for the preview are Postgres or serverless Azure SQL server. To get started using the new blade, click here or search the Azure Marketplace for “web app database”....

January 27, 2021 · 1 min

Creating your first Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template

If you’re manually creating infrastructure for your next app in Azure, you should consider using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template. An ARM template is essentially a JSON file that describes the infrastructure you want to create in the Azure cloud. It can be run as many times as you like to spin up identically-configured environments. Create the template The first step when using an ARM template is to create the template file....

February 27, 2020 · 6 min

Using Cloudflare with Azure Blob Storage

If you’re storing files in Azure Storage, you’ll likely soon find that the cost of bandwidth will soon become one of the more expensive items in your Azure bill. By using a content delivery network (CDN), you can improve performance for those accessing your files from around the world, while also reducing the bandwidth costs incurred on Azure. Microsoft offers its own Azure CDN solution, or you can use Akamai or Verizon....

September 24, 2019 · 4 min

Using Azure Functions with Rider

Previously we’ve written about how to get started with Azure Functions using JetBrains Rider - but that’s now an outdated article, as the Azure plugin now offers seamless integration with the Microsoft Functions tooling. Gone are the days of manually updating project configuration files. What you’ll need In order to follow along, you’ll need to make sure you: Install JetBrains Rider (free 30-day trial available here) 2019.1 or later Getting started First you’ll want to install the Azure Toolkit for Rider....

June 18, 2019 · 2 min

Which Azure Functions runtime am I using?

Microsoft currently support two versions of the Azure Functions runtime - version 1 and version 2. This post will look at the main changes between the two versions, and show you how you can check which runtime you’re using. What are the key differences between versions? Version 1 of the runtime was introduced back in 2016, when functions were first announced. At launch it supported JavaScript, C#, Python and PHP....

March 25, 2019 · 2 min