Setup Azure DevOps organisational portfolio dashboards

Looking to setup Azure DevOps organisational dashboards? This is harder than it probably should be today. At present there’s no notion of cross-project widgets or organisational status views. There is a user feedback request, but it has been ‘under consideration’ for years. In leu of that, here are some options for getting a view of how your teams are going across multiple projects. Using PowerBI and OData One option for creating your own reports and dashboards is to use OData support in PowerBI to import data via the Azure DevOps APIs....

December 5, 2021 · 2 min

How to fix Azure MissingSubscriptionRegistration error

Are you trying to deploy an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template and getting the error MissingSubscriptionRegistration? In this article we’ll take a look at what the cause of the error is, and how you can easily rectify the problem. Sometimes when trying to run an ARM template in a new subscription to create Azure resources, customers come across the following error: MissingSubscriptionRegistration: The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft....

July 7, 2021 · 2 min

How to fix Azure DevOps library group permission errors

Are you trying to edit a variable group in an Azure DevOps Library, and getting the error “you do not have permission to create a variable group within library”? Continue on to find out how to rectify this issue. The problem DevOps project settings - these don’t apply to variable groups Variable groups within Azure DevOps can have different permissions to your project settings. This can be useful to limit the number of people who can view and edit your config values, but can be confusing....

March 11, 2020 · 2 min

Azure DevOps system variables now read-only

Azure DevOps provides a number of predefined system variables out of the box on hosted build agents. While these have officially always been read-only, informally you’ve previously been able to change the value of a predefined system variable by overwriting it in a pipeline task. However, as of the January 28 2020 DevOps release this is no longer the case. The DevOps team have improved the security of system variables, and as such now actively prohibit system variables from being written to....

February 24, 2020 · 1 min

How to retry a failed stage in Azure DevOps

One of the biggest limitations of Azure DevOps has until now been the fact that you can’t retry an individual stage or step in a pipeline if it fails. Instead, you’d have to retry the entire pipeline again and hope that the failed stage passes. As of September 2019, in most cases you can now retry a failed stage without the need to retry the whole pipeline - but there’s a catch....

October 3, 2019 · 2 min

What is Azure DevOps used for?

Azure DevOps is a Microsoft product that can be used as part of the software development lifecycle, to manage the delivery, development and release of software products. DevOps is a paid product (although there is a free tier available) that many software development companies use - particularly those within the Microsoft ecosystem. It used to be called Visual Studio Team Studio (VSTS). DevOps is made up of 5 core areas of functionality:...

September 18, 2019 · 2 min

How to generate an Azure DevOps pipeline status badge for README files

Microsoft has made it very easy to generate badge icons that you can use wherever you’d like, showing the status of your build and release pipelines in Azure DevOps. The icons - which are made available as images - can be generated for both build pipelines and release pipelines on the Azure DevOps website. They change based on the outcome of the latest run, allowing you to place them in places such as your project’s Readme files....

August 20, 2019 · 1 min

How to delete an Azure DevOps project

In this post we’ll look at how to delete an Azure DevOps project. First, you’ll need to login with your account to the DevOps portal. Choose the organisation that contains the project you want to delete from the left-hand sidebar, and then select the project you want to delete. Then, once you’re on the homepage for the project you wish to delete, click “Project Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner. If you don’t see this option you may not have the required permission to manage the project....

July 20, 2019 · 1 min

Using key vault values from variable groups in Azure DevOps pipeline tasks

Earlier this week we had a post about how you can easily access secrets stored within Azure Key Vault in an Azure DevOps pipeline task, using the Key Vault Task. One other way you can achieve this same functionality is by using a variable group, and in this post we’re going to show you how. Why would you use a variable group instead of the key vault task? If you know you require access to the secrets from across multiple stages within a pipeline using a group allows you to easily manage access without having to include the task in every single stage by scoping the group to the release or specific stages....

March 21, 2019 · 2 min

Accessing Key Vault secrets in an Azure DevOps pipeline task

In the post, we’ll take a look at one option for accessing Azure Key Vault secrets from within an Azure DevOps release pipeline. Want to secure your Azure DevOps application secrets in Key Vault? Find out how in our short e-book guide on Amazon Setting up your Azure Key Vault Before you can add the secret to your pipeline, you first need to make sure that there’s a key vault setup in Azure, and that you have given either your pipeline managed service identity or account GET access to the secrets within the vault....

March 19, 2019 · 3 min