How to query multiple Azure Application Insights instances at once

Do you have multiple Azure Application Insights instances that you’d like to query at once? Perhaps you’re trying to see all errors across multiple environments, each with their own App Insights instance? When using the Azure Portal, querying multiple instances is straightforward. How to query across multiple App Insight instances First, login to the Azure portal using your Microsoft work, school or personal account credentials. Navigate to one of the App Insight instances you’d like to run a query against....

October 27, 2021 · 1 min

How to add Application Insights to an Azure function

Today we’re going to look at how easy it is to add Azure Application Insights (part of Azure Monitor) to an Azure Function. What is Application Insights? In short, Application Insights is a performance and monitoring tool that forms part of the Azure Monitor suite. It allows you to access detailed telemetry on requests made to your function, while observing real-time performance and failures. It works across App Service apps, Azure Functions and more - practically anywhere you can install the available App Insights SDKs....

March 18, 2019 · 3 min