• Throw or throw ex in C#?

    One common question that comes up when working with exceptions in C#, is whether or not you should re-throw an existing exception by specifying the exception, or just using the throw keyword where an error occurs. In most cases, it’s best to rethrow the existing exception, such as below: try { var networkResponse = await…

  • Accessing Key Vault secrets in an Azure DevOps pipeline task

    In the post, we’ll take a look at one option for accessing Azure Key Vault secrets from within an Azure DevOps release pipeline. Want to secure your Azure DevOps application secrets in Key Vault? Find out how in  our short e-book guide on Amazon Setting up your Azure Key Vault Before you can add the…

  • How to add Application Insights to an Azure function

    Today we’re going to look at how easy it is to add Azure Application Insights (part of Azure Monitor) to an Azure Function. What is Application Insights? In short, Application Insights is a performance and monitoring tool that forms part of the Azure Monitor suite. It allows you to access detailed telemetry on requests made…

  • Create an Azure Function App using a Mac

    In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can quickly create an Azure Function when using a Mac. In particular, we’ll be using the Azure Functions command line tools to create our functions app. Getting started Before you can create a function, you’ll need to install the Azure Function command line tools. But…

  • What’s the difference between an Azure Service Bus queue and topic?

    Starting out with an Azure Service Bus? It can be confusing trying to work out whether you should use a queue or a topic. In this post, we’ll try to break down the difference between the two and which one you should use when. What is a service bus queue or topic? When configuring a…

  • How to use variable groups in Azure DevOps

    In a previous post looking at how to use Azure Key Vault to store secrets for a DevOps pipeline, we touched on variable groups and how they can be used. In this post, we’re going to dive a bit deeper into what a variable group is, how you can create one and how you can…