In this post we’ll take a look at a few of the best Teams help desk apps for building a help desk on top of Teams.

For many organisations, Microsoft Teams forms the backbone for internal communications. As such, in a growing number of use cases it makes sense to look at allowing employees to manage help desk requests via Teams.


App type: Chat

Pricing: From $75USD per month

This chat bot app allows you to easily create and manage support requests via ‘conversational ticketing’. You can easily find and manage tickets, and even contribute to a knowledge base using the conversational flow.

The knowledge base powers an AI system to avoid employees creating tickets that would be otherwise unnecessary, by redirecting them to instructions on how to resolve common problems.

After installing the app for the first time, it takes up to 3 minutes to provision a space for your organisation. Note that admin approval is required due to the permissions that are needed.

This is a great solution if you’re looking for a chat-based system to handle support requests. Publisher attestation has also been obtained. It would be great to see a tab app for Tikit too, to make it easier to manage requests in bulk.


App type: Tab, Chat

Pricing: Free tier, with additional paid options available starting at $64USD per month

JetDocs is primarily a tab app that offers a suite of powerful options for customers. A chat bot is also available though - unlike Tikit - the tab app is the primary mechanism for interactions.

This app offers more powerful workflow support, allowing for automations from a catalog of more than 80 templates for common business processes such as vacation leave, expense claims and more.

Multiple approvers per workflow are supported, and priority centre makes it easy to ensure the most important tickets are addressed first.


App type: Chat

Pricing: Free tier, with additional paid options available starting at $10 per month/per agent

This is another app focused on conversational ticketing. It comes in the form of 2 chat bots - an agent bot, and a support bot.

The agent bot allows your support team to manage and respond to tickets, while the support bot allows customers or internal employees to raise requests for triaging.

A key difference between this app and Tikit is the ability of this app to act as a channel servicing external customers as well as internal employees. You can feed emails, web form submissions and more into Desk365 and respond through the chat bot.


These are just a few of the many apps now integrating with or being built upon the Teams platform. Each day, core business apps are integrating with Teams to bring enhanced functionality like timesheets, finance and more.