Are you looking for an easy way to share your teams vacation calendar on Microsoft Teams? We’ve rounded up the best ways to do this for you.

Microsoft Shifts (free)

If you’re using a licensed version of Microsoft Teams (and not the free personal edition) then you’ll have access to Microsoft’s rostering app called Shifts. If you can’t see it in your ‘Apps’, check with your Office 365 administrator to ensure the app has been enabled in the Teams admin portal.

Within Shifts you can setup rosters that show when someone is available, on vacation or away ill. Amanda Sterner goes into more detail here about how you can best use Shifts for vacation tracking.

Vacation Tracker (paid)

Vacation Tracker is a third-party app available in the Microsoft Teams app store, but is designed to be a one-stop shop for managing vacations and leave requests.

It features a bot to help create leave requests, as well as a tab page to show leave calendars, leave statistics and more.

You can check it out here.

Leave Request by LTAPPs (paid)

This app is also a paid third-party app from App Source, but it too allows you to setup and manage leave requests and more. This one also has integration with SharePoint, with all data persisted in a SharePoint site.

Leave Request also supports email notifications, reporting, exporting to Excel and Word and more.

You can install the app here.

Channel Calendar app (free)

If you’re looking for a free alternative, and don’t have access to Shifts then using the in-built Channel Calendar app can be useful. While you don’t get the more advanced leave request tracking you get with the paid apps, you can use the free Calendar app to “book out” leave for people within your team. This can be done by creating a meeting during the time that an individual is away.

There are a couple of downsides to this app however. While the app shows as a tab in your channel, each event (or leave request) generates a Microsoft Teams meeting and also gets posted back to your Teams channel when created. The form for creating the event cannot be modified either, so those requesting leave will feel like they’re creating a new meeting.