Google recently launched a new product called Tables - a lightweight database similar to the likes of Airtable.

However being in beta, and launched by Google’s incubator Area 120, it’s only officially available in the United States for now.

But if you’re outside the US, at least for now you can still access Tables using the following method. Note that the usual caveats apply, in that Google may block this at any time and your success may vary.

  1. Sign up for a free trial of a VPN with a United States point of presence, such as
  2. Configure your computer/Mac/phone to use the VPN. Normally that involves downloading an app provided by your VPN provider.
  3. Enable the VPN, and open the Google Tables site. Click “Get started” in the top right-hand corner to login.
  4. You should get prompted to sign in with your Google Account. Enter your Google credentials, and as long as your VPN is active you should be able to login and start using Tables.
  5. If you’re not able to login still, make sure your VPN is located in the United States. To configure this in, go to Preferences > Transporter > North America > United States and choose a location.