In this post we’ll look at how to delete an Azure DevOps project.

First, you’ll need to login with your account to the DevOps portal. Choose the organisation that contains the project you want to delete from the left-hand sidebar, and then select the project you want to delete.

Then, once you’re on the homepage for the project you wish to delete, click “Project Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner. If you don’t see this option you may not have the required permission to manage the project.

Navigate to the General > Overview screen in Project Settings and scroll to the very bottom. A big red “Delete” button should appear at the bottom.

Click “Delete” and you’ll be asked to enter type your project name to confirm the deletion. Type the name of the project in the textfield, click “Delete” and your project removed.

Note that it won’t actually be deleted immediately - it will be placed in a temporary recycling bin for 28 days before being permanently removed. This gives you time to change your mind about the deletion, for example if you removed the wrong project or need access to the information again. After the 28 days the information will be permanently erased.